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Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: An Exhibition on University Teaching

Prompt Generators



Although not named among the top 10 (+1) technologies for 21st century instruction on The UWI, Mona campus, prompt generators have been under the microscope and the discourse on their use, misuse, application and implications in Higher Education abounds.

What are they

Prompt generators (text or image) belong to the family of Artificial Intelligence which is not at all new to Higher Education. Examples of AI in teaching and learning include chatbots that we use for the SAS help section, our plagiarism similarity detection tool (TurnitIn), the Designer feature in PowerPoint, Transcription feature in Zoom, auto-rated quizzes, the assistive technologies built in our computers (read aloud, etc.), scheduling software and platforms such as Calendly and Doodle, language learning apps such as Duolingo analytics in Quizizz and Kahoot! and the list goes on and on and on..

Who knows? It is quite possible based on our estimation that for the 2024/2025 academic year, prompt generations may be among the top 10 instructional technologies on the UWI Mona campus!