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Legal Information Resources (STA): Home

This subject guide profiles legal information resources that are available via The Alma Jordan Library (AJL), Campus Libraries, The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus (STA).

Home: Introduction

The Alma Jordan Library (AJL), The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus (STA), Trinidad and Tobago, provides access to over 13,000 (June 2024) law and law-related titles. The physical law collection is situated on the 4th floor of The AJL, within the Social Sciences Division. 

The subject guide profiles selected secondary sources of legal information (e.g., reference works, books, and journals) and primary sources of legal information (e.g., legislation and cases) in print or electronic format that are available via the Library, or that are freely accessible. 

Given the geographic location of the St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago and Commonwealth Caribbean (greater Caribbean) resources are especially highlighted.

Photo: AJL - Social Sciences Division - Law - Stacks

Home: About South Campus Library Titles (AJL)

Most of the South Campus Library's print titles (books, journals) – law – have been integrated into The AJL's physical collection. As such, if you do come across a South Campus Library title in UWIlinC/online catalogue (UWI STA), with an Available/On Shelf status, please do consider the corresponding area of The AJL (i.e. General, Course Reserves, West Indiana and Special Collections). 

The South Campus Library's serials (print), including encyclopaedias, journals, and law reports, are typically not available for loan. Should you need assistance with locating and accessing such titles, do contact us.

Home: Latest Acquisitions (AJL)

Commercialising Celebrity Persona Intellectual Property Law and Practice / Emma Perot.

Home: Notices & Events (AJL)

Home: Disclaimer

Please note that the contents of this guide have been provided strictly for individual, non-commercial, academic/educational, reference/research purposes and do not constitute legal advice. This guide is, therefore, not a substitute for consulting, if/when the need arises, a relevant legal professional.

Should you have comments/questions about any of the highlighted resources, kindly do contact us.