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Engineering @ UWI Mona Library: Thesis & Research Paper Preparation

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Library Thesis Scrutiny and Consultation

Thesis Scrutiny

The Libraries’ scrutiny of theses is intended to ensure that students comply with the requirements of The UWI Thesis Guide in relation to format, arrangement, abstract,  references and bibliography. Theses are also checked to ensure that the references cited are in accordance with the latest edition of the citation style guide used. The Libraries seek to ensure an awareness of the discipline involved in preparing scholarly publications in a consistent style. The Libraries certify the thesis as acceptable when they are satisfied that the thesis complies with the requirements of The UWI Thesis Guide and recommended style manuals. This process should be completed within 30 days.

Thesis Consultation

Postgraduate students may make an appointment through the Mona Information Literacy Unit (MILU) for thesis consultation with a librarian. If you submit the thesis, please allow for five to ten business days for feedback. You may email your request to by sending a copy of your thesis along with a completed thesis consultation form.

Postgraduates can also access the UWI Thesis Guide for guidance on how to format their final paper in accordance with The UWI guidelines.

Books on writing dissertations