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HIST1703 Introduction to History: Find Journals

Identifying Journals

When you know the name of the journal just go to "Find e-Journals" tab in UWILINC? This tool lets you enter the journal's title into the search box and shows you the databases that have articles from that journal. 

When you do not know the name of a journal, locating useful journals might involve conducting a search using key terms for occurrences in a the title. Eg. "History", "Historiography", etc.

Additionally, a subject catergory search (Arts and Humanities) might be done to drill down to the sub-category of  "history". This shows the over 1400 history subject journal titles available via UWILINC.

Listing of some Caribbean History Serials

Jamaican Historical Society Bulletin Call# F1861.J27

Jamaican Historical Society Review Call# F1861.J39

The Journal of Caribbean History

The Association of Caribbean Historians Bulletin Call# D1.A7

Caribbean Historical and Genealogical Journal Call# F2155.C39

Bulletin of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society Call# F2041.A1 B36

Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society Call# F2041.A1 B35

Journal of the Bahamas Historical Society Call# F1650.J6

Guyana Historical Journal Call# F2361.G89

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that can also be useful in locating specific articles. When you know the title of the article that you are looking for, conduct a search with the tile enclosed within  quotation marks. You can also use this tool to search for scholarly articles across multiple databases and in UWI institutional repository.