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Welcome to the Library Guide for the Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy

Welcome to the Mona Campus Main Library's subject guide highlighting resources for the Department of "Language, Linguistics & Philosophy" in the Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus - Jamaica. 

(HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE: - Click on each tab above. e.g. "Language."  or "Philosophy". Scroll down.)

This subject guide is designed to increase your awareness and use of the Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy's resources. It can help you to locate the resources, whether online or in hardcopy.

Information of the Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy


The Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy (DLLP for short) provides a diversified learning environment, including programmes in linguistics and in philosophy at the undergraduate and graduate levels; English language foundation courses; and English writing and speech courses at the intermediate and advanced levels. The DLLP also houses two English language testing centres: the English Language Proficiency Test Unit and the IELTS Examination Centre for Jamaica. Finally, the DLLP includes a Writing Centre and the Jamaican Language Unit, which operates a research centre.

The department has a distinguished tradition of research in linguistics and in philosophy, thus ensuring the currency of our taught programmes and their relevance to the Caribbean context. Our commitment is to provide students with courses and degree programmes which set high scholarly standards and equip students with the knowledge and competencies which will allow them to develop to their fullest potential.


Units & Centres

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    Last Updated May 9, 2024 10 views this year