Pages in this Guide
1 - EndNote 20 Resources - links to resources to assist in using EndNote 20
2- Training Video on Using EndNote 20 with Dr S Renwick and Handouts
3 - Info on Installing and Using EndNote 20
4 - Links to other EndNote Versions
5 - About the UWI STA SoE Library
EndNote is a commercial software [for Windows and Mac] for managing references when writing projects, articles, and theses. It is produced by Thomson Reuters.
Kindly remember that the final output (in-text citations and list of references) depends on the data that you have entered into the EndNote software (or any other reference management software).
ALWAYS review entries (whether manual or downloaded from a database or other online service) for spelling errors, incomplete or incorrect data, or data entered into wrong fields or resource formats
After inserting your in-text citations and references, convert your paper/thesis to plain text and use a guide/handout to or the APA Publication Manual (or your citation/referencing style manual) in order to correct any errors.
EndNote 20 is a programme to manage a database of your references.
For currently enrolled students, EndNote 20 for Windows and Mac is available for download on the UWI STA student portal.
Instructions on how to download and install EndNote 20.
With the recent upgrade of the Student Portal, the EndNote folder can now be located via the "MyDrive" on the Student Portal. To help you locate the folder, see screenshot:
Then, click on EndNote 20 folder and a memo with the link to the download is presented. You need your student portal credentials to download the files.
For UWI staff, contact your faculty/department LAN administrator who can install it on your computer/laptop.
Installation Notes
Using EndNote
EndNote 20 for Windows - Step-by-Step LibGuide
EndNote Training Resources
Recovery process for your EndNote LIbrary
EndNote Training Youtube Channel
Compatibility Issues and Compatibility issues 2
EndNote 20 for iPhones and iPads
EndNote and Combining Chapters in Word (e.g. for a thesis)
Editing Output Style templates, Inserting page nos. and Annotated Bibliographies
Chrome extension for installing EndNote click
Detaching EndNote from an MS Word Document in order to remove field codes (if sending a document for publication or further editing).
Cite While You Write – insert and manage your citations in MS Word.
Use 7000+ different citation styles
Keep up to 100,000 references in an EndNote Library
Collect full-text PDFs in one click – EndNote automatically downloads and attaches free (or subscribed to), online full-text PDFs to your saved references.
Work with PDFs – Organise, rename, annotate, search and open your PDFs directly within EndNote.
Share your research – Invite up to 200 other EndNote X7.4.2 users and later versions to access your EndNote library, so they can add to, annotate and use it simultaneously.
Custom and Smart Groups – These provide a way of automatically grouping similar or related references. Can have up to 5,000 groups
Access your research anywhere – Sync your desktop, online and mobile libraries for convenient, multi-platform research.
Network and collaborate – Connect with other researchers via the EndNote Community in EndNote online.
Support for figures & tables – In addition to handling your citations, EndNote can also easily manage all your figures and tables when writing.
Mac® and Windows® compatibility
Add citations to MS PowerPoint slides (Plug in for Windows only)