This guide has been created to pull together the essentials for the postgraduate students at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. It contains links to helpful information and resources to make the journey easier. Please do not hesitate to visit us at the Postgraduate Learning Commons, (PGLC) upstairs the Main Library. Grad. school is a journey. and it may take you a while to find your academic footing. After a short period for settling in there will be assignments. Always press on as the light will be shining at the end of the tunnel.You may be a high achiever and expect a lot from yourself in a short period of time. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Organise your life! Organise your time. Avoid procrastinating for extended periods. Find balance with other aspects of your life. Discover ways to relax which won't make matters worse e.g. jogging, football, poetry.This is crucial during examination periods. Work in small groups, as appropriate.
Find time to have spontaneous discussions about international affairs.
Keep your sense of humour - life is too short..
Hold on to your Dream.
(A) Click on each of the tabs above and read, read . . . read. Then visit us in the library.
The library has seasons. You may visit us and very few students are around. You may visit again and find your favourite spot occupied. There are busy times and quiet times --- in the day, in the semester, in the year. Explore!
Many students and staff access our services at a distance --- from office and home.
(B) Please note the links which appear in Blue. Click on each link to go to another resource.
Post-Graduate Humour
Semester 1
Grad School Survival Guide by Wanda Pratt
"Key Attributes of the UWI Graduate
The key attributes of the UWI graduate refer to those academic abilities, skills, personal and professional qualities that should be acquired by students during their sojourn at the UWI. A distinctive UWI graduate should demonstrate that he/she is: a critical and creative thinker; an effective communicator with good interpersonal skills; IT-skilled and information literate; innovative and entrepreneurial; globally aware and well grounded in his/her regional identity; socially, culturally and environmentally responsible; and guided by strong ethical values. While these attributes apply to all graduates, it is expected that special emphasis would be placed on leadership, goal setting and the ability to make a significant contribution to new knowledge, especially in the case of the postgraduate student."
Source: UWI
Setting sun at Rick's Cafe, Negril
Credit: V. Williams