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UWI Mona Library Orientation: Finding Articles

Learn about the library, its people, resources and services.

Finding Articles Using UWIlinC

1. Go to The UWI Mona Library website

2. Click on the UWI Libraries Logo logo

3. sign in to UWIlinc

4. Click on articles by subject

5. select the group of databases for your discipline e.g. Humanities

6. Do a keyword search

Searching for Articles using "Find Databases"

1. From UWI Libraries Logo click on "Find Databases

2. You may search for articles by searching individual databases by clicking on "Find Databases"

3. Select the database of your choice e.g. Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)

4. Put your keywords in the search box

Finding Articles from the Library's Homepage

1. From the  The UWI Mona Library website select "Resources"

2. Select "Electronic Databases"

4.Select a database of your choice

5. Follow any necessary instructions (e.g. log in)

6. Start your search


How to Search-Keyword Searching