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UWI Mona Library Orientation: Finding Books/ Ebooks

Learn about the library, its people, resources and services.

Finding e-Books on UWILINC

  1. Go to The UWI Mona Library website 
  2. Click on the logo under the menu list to the left of the page

3. Click Sign In at the top right hand corner. This will take you to the Sign In page for you to enter your ID 

4. Once in UWILINC, select Find E-Books

5. Execute Search



Using UWIlinC to Locate Resources

What Can I Find in UWIlinC


 is the portal to all resources you need at the Library


Books, Journal Articles, Past Exam Papers, Dissertations, Newspaper Articles 

e-Book Collections

All resources can be found via UWIlinc but you may also click on any of these collections to access some of the Library's e-books:

1. eBook Collection (Ebsco) -  A collection of over 24,000 online books in full-text from commercial and university publishers

2EMERALD  - One of the world's leading scholarly publisher of journals and books in various disciplines.

3. SpringerLink  -  Provides online, full-text access to journals and books in most subject areas

4. Ebrary - An online digital library of full texts of over 70000 scholarly e-books.

5. Hathi Trust Digital Library is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future

6. Google Books  - Google is working with libraries and publishers to digitize and index many books so they are searchable. Access to many are in full-text.