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Sidney Martin Library: User Services - Circulation: General

This libguide gives details of services provided from the User Services Unit at Sidney Martin Library


Library Hours

Semesters 1 & 2

Monday - Friday 
 9:00am - 11:00pm
10:00am -  6:00pm

Summer & semester break opening hours will be posted: Please check SML website, Facebook, UWI CHILL (CHILL Libraries) and bulletin boards for updates.




Q. Which ID is required for entry to the library by patrons?

Students should show their valid UWI student ID card; staff their staff cards, and other users their ‘outside users’ card issued by the library. Ad hoc patrons will be given a temporary visitor’s card for the day.


Q. When will I be issued with my Library card?

A valid Student ID card is needed for all library transactions, including checking out (borrowing) of books.


Q. Where do I check out my books?

There are issue desks on levels 1 and 2 of the library. There is also a Book Self-Checkout machine on level 2.


Q. Where is the library’s computer lab?

The Computer Lab is on level 3 of the Library.


Q. Why should I attend the library tour?

Whether face to face or online the library tour will show where to locate the various sections of the library and how to use its resources. Knowing how to effectively use the library and its print and online resources is essential to your academic success.


Q. Can Sixth form students and students from other tertiary institutions use the library?

Yes, under special conditions. Please contact the user services section at

 or call 417-4881/41 for details.


Q. Can I pay my library overdue fees online?

Not at the present time but the library is working to make this possible.