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Gerald Cecil Lalor O.M., O.J., C.D.: MAIN PUBLICATIONS

The life and work of Gerald Cecil Lalor, renowned Jamaican scientist.




  1. G.C. Lalor & S.L. Martin, “Studies on Haematoxylin and Haematein, the Colouring Principles of Logwood”, Part I, Journ. Soc. Dyers and Colourists, 75, 517-521 (1959).

  1. G.C. Lalor & S.L. Martin, “Studies on Haematoxylin and Haematein, the Colouring Principles of Logwood”, Part II, Journ. Soc. Dyers and Colourists, 75, 517-521 (1959).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “The Logwood Dye Industry.” Journal of Scientific Research Council (Jamaica), 2, 16-18 (1961).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “Studies on Haematoxylin and Haematein, the Colouring Principles of Logwood”, Part III, Journ. Soc. Dyers and Colourists, 78, 549-551 (1962).

  1. G.C. Lalor & E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes, “A Kinetic Study of the Azidopentamminecobalt Ion in Water and in Basic and Acidic Solutions”, J Chem. Soc. 1569-1590 (1963).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “A Reaction Vessel for Kinetic Studies below Room Temperature”, Journ. Chemical Education, 40, 597, (1963).

  1. G.C. Lalor &J. Lang, “The Kinetics of the reaction between Nitropentamminecobalt (III) Perchlorate and the Hydroxide Ion”, J Chem. Soc. 56205625 (1963).

  1. G.C. Lalor & E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes, “The Kinetics of the Reaction between Methyl Iodide and the Thiocyanate Ion in Aqueous Solution”, J Chem. Soc. 2201-2205 (1964).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “The Kinetics of Aquation of Nitropentamminecobalt Perchlaorate”. J Chem. Soc., (A), 1-4 (1966).

  1. G.E. Bushnell, G.C. Lalor & E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition Metal Complexes.” Part I. The Kinetics of the Reactions of Chloro-, Bromo-, and Iodo-pentamminehodium (III) Perchlorates with Sodium Hydroxide in Aqueous Solutions, J Chem. Soc., (A) 719-723 (1966).

  1. D.L. Gay & G.C. Lalor, “A Kinetic Study of Thiocyanatommine-Chromium (III) and Cobalt (III) Complex Ions in Acidic and Basic Solutions”, J Chem. Soc., (A) 1179-1183 (1966).



  1. .C. Lalor, “Kinetic Studies on the Coordination Compounds in the Department of Chemistry, UWI”. Journal of Scientific Research Council (Jamaica), 7, 93-99 (1967).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “Apparatus for Measuring Spectra of Oxygen-Sensitive Reactions”, Journ. Chemical Education, 45, 90, (1968).

  1. G.C. Lalor & G.W. Bushnell, “The Kinetics of the Reaction Between Sodium Hydroxide and Chloropentamminecobalt (III) Perchlorate in Aqueous Solution” Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 30, 219-223 (1968).

  1. C.S. Davis & G.C. Lalor, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part II, Kinetic Studies of the Reaction of Azido-pentamminerhodium(III) Perchlorate with Nitrous Acid, J Chem. Soc., 1095-1097 (1968).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “The Reactions of Cobaltammines with I-Nitroso -2-Naphthol -3, 6-Disulphonic Acid”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 30, 1925-1929 (1968).

  1.  C.S. Davis & G.C. Lalor, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part III, The Kinetics of the Reaction on the Azido-pentamminerhodium (III) Perchlorate with Hydroxide Ion. J Chem. Soc., (A), 2328-2331 (1968). 

  1. G.C. Lalor & G.W. Bushnell, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part IV, Kinetic Studies on the Chloropenta-amminerhodium (III) Aquopenta-amminerhodium (III) System. J Chem. Soc., (A), 2520-2522 (1968). 

  1. M.B. Davis & G.C. Lalor, “The Kinetics of the Reaction Between Sodium Hydroxide and Bromopentamminecobalt (III) Perchlorate in Aqueous Solution”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 799-803 (1969).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “The Isokinetic Relationship in Reactions of Ammine Complexes”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 1206-1209 (1969).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “The Reactions of Cobalt Compounds with Nitroso-Naphthols-11. The mechanism of the Reaction between Cobaltous Ions and 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol-3, 6-Disulphonic Acid”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 1783-1789 (1969).

  1. M.B. Davis & G.C. Lalor, “The Kinetics of the Reaction Between Sodium Hydroxide and Iodopentamminecobalt (III) Perchlorate in Aqueous Solution”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 2189-2193 (1969).





  1. G.C. Lalor & D.S. Rustad, “Metal Ion induced Aquations-1. The kinetics of the Homogeneous reaction of Iodopentamminecobalt (III) Perchlorate with Silver Ions”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 3210-3224 (1969).

  1. G.C. Lalor & T. Carrington, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part V, The Kinetics of the Reaction of Iodopenta-amminerhodium (III) Perchlorate with Sodium Hydroxide in Aqueous Solutions, J Chem. Soc., (A), 2509-2512 (1969).

  1. C.S. Davis & G.C. Lalor, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part VI, Kinetic Study of the Reaction of Azido-pentamminerhodium(III) Ion in Acidic Aqueous Solutions”, J Chem. Soc., (A), 445-449 (1970). 

  1. G.C. Lalor, “Versatile Kinetic Spectrophotometer”, Lab Practice, 19, 607-608 (1970).

  1. S.A. Bajue, G.A. Taylor & G.C. Lalor, “The Acid Disassociation Constants of some Nitroso-Naphthols”, Revista Latinoamer. Quim., 1, 102-111 (1970).

  1. G.C. Lalor & T. Carrington, “Kinetic Studies on 4d and 5d Transition-metal Complexes”, Part VII, The Kinetics of the Reactions of Chloro- and Bromo-pentammineridium (III) Perchlorates with Sodium Hydroxide in Aqueous Solutions, J Chem. Soc., Dalton Transactions, 55-58 (1972).

  1. A.W. Boyd, C. Willis & G.C. Lalor, “Isotope Effects and Hydrogen Yields in the radiolysis of H20-D20 Mixtures at Very High Dose Rates.” Can. Journ. Chem., 50, 8392, (1972).

  1. G.C. Lalor, G.A. Neita & A.M. Newton, “The Kinetics of the Reaction Between Thiosulphatopenta-amminecobalt (III) Cation and Hydroxide Ions”, Revista Latinoamer. Quim., 2, 149-154 (1972).

  1. S.A. Bajue, G.A. Taylor & G.C. Lalor, “The Reactions of Cobalt Compounds with Nitroso-Naphthols-ill. Formation Constants of the Mono Nitroso-Naphthol Complexes of 1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol-3, 6-Dissulphonate and 2-Nitroso-1-Naphthol-4-Sulphonate with Cobaltous Ions”, Journ. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 34, 1353-1364 (1972).

  1. G.C. Lalor & H. Miller, “the Kinetics of the Aquation of Chloro- and Bromo-Cobalt (III) pentammines”, Revista Latinoamer. Quim., 3, 100-118 (1972).

  1. G.C. Lalor, “Kinetics of Reactions of Hydroxide Ion with 3d, 4d, and 5d Transition Metal Acidopenta-ammine Complexes”, Revista Latinoamer. Quim., 3, 100-118 (1972).



Thesis by Gerald Lalor