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Veterinary Medicine -- Resources for the School of Veterinary Medicine (UWISTA)

Get Help with Academic Writing


Get help with academic writing. Contact:

Janique Dennis
Instructor II
Coordinator, The Writing Centre
Room 12
Telephone: 662-2002, Ext. 82522 

The aims of The Writing Centre are:

  • to enhance the critical thinking and written expression skills of students and staff of the University of the West Indies;
  • to meet the standards of formal academic expression – precision, clarity, conciseness, correctness, and elegance;
  • to develop students’ ability to plan, organise, write and revise academic papers;
  • to help students discover the strengths and challenges they face as writers;
  • to increase students’ confidence in writing;
  • to engage faculty from all disciplines on campus in a dialogue about teaching writing so as to gradually shift classroom practices from purely content-based instruction towards content /rhetoric–based instruction;
  • to sensitise the academic community about the benefits of Writing Across the 
    Curriculum (WAC) programmes, and
  • to contribute to higher standards of writing, and of academic achievement, in all faculties of The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

Writing coaches DO NOT:

  1. correct, edit or proofread credit or practice assignments for students
  2. tell students what to write
  3. rewrite students’ work
  4. suggest a grade for students’ work
  5. teach material from missed classes
  6. accept drop-off assignments to be proofread
  7. offer guidance to any student whose paper is due
  8. address all aspects of writing in one session
  9. engage in excessive collaboration.

Writing coaches DO:

  1. promote The Writing Centre as a non-threatening space where writers at all levels of proficiency feel comfortable to approach a writing coach and, with his or her guidance, find their own solutions to writing challenges
  2. identify each individual’s writing needs
  3. assess each individual’s requirements, past writing history, general composing habits, approaches to learning, attitudes to writing, and with this background information, determine with the student how they are to proceed
  4. provide clients with individualised, collaborative assistance at any stage of the writing process from brainstorming to revision
  5. give students feedback on an assignment’s overall structure, focus, format, organisation, clarity, thesis statement, topic sentences, etc.
  6. suggest writing strategies
  7. emphasise that writing is a process which involves practice, risk-taking and (sometimes extensive) revision
  8. welcome experimentation, trial runs of ideas, trying, trying and trying again.