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Journal Information
- Journals Access Note:The MSL subscribes to a number of print and electronic journals. Usage of these items is restricted to faculty, students, and staff of the University of the West Indies.
- Authentication Reminder - sign in / authenticate using student/staff UWI authentication for online access to online journals that are subscribed to by the Medical Sciences Library/UWISTA. Staff password updates can only be done on-site in the networked environment.
- VET MED PRINT JOURNALS: Search the OPAC for information on print holdings
- VET SCI E-JOURNALS: Find vet sci journals using the Find e-Journals feature on the UWIlinC page (the current A-Z range of vet med journals as at April 2021) are listed below. ** important ** Veterinary Students have 2 main subject groups from which to choose on the drop-down menu: HEALTH SCIENCES and LIFE SCIENCES. Life Sciences is extensive so only the Vet e-journals are listed below.
- N.B. The titles below are NOT HYPERLINKED due to availability across more than one platform in many instances.
Vet Journals A- Z
- Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica. Section A, Animal science 0906-4702
- Acta agronomica Hungarica 0238-0161
- Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 0044-605X
- Analecta veterinaria 0365-5148
- Animal Genetics 0268-9146
- Animal health in Australia 1322-7084
- Animal Science Journal 1344-3941
- Annales de médecine vétérinaire 0003-4118
- ANZCCART news 1039-9089
- Archives of veterinary science 1517-784X
- Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia 0102-0935
- BMC Veterinary Research 1746-6148
- Brazilian Journal of Biology 1519-6984
- Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 1311-1477
- Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy 0042-4870
- Ciencia Rural 0103-8478
- Development 0950-1991
- Diseases of aquatic organisms 0177-5103
- Dog World0012-4893
- Electronic Journal Of Polish Agricultural Universities 1505-0297
- FEMS microbiology reviews 0168-6445
- Folia veterinaria 0015-5748
- Forage and grazinglands 1547-4631
- ILAR Journal 1084-2020
- Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1187-7863
- Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1680-5593
- Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 0931-2668
- The journal of applied research in veterinary medicine 1542-2666
- Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 1082-6742
- Journal of Equine Science 1340-3516
- Journal of medical microbiology 0022-2615
- The Journal of Poultry Science 1346-7395
- Journal of Small Animal Practice 0022-4510
- Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (JVDI) 1040-6387
- Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 0891-6640
- Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 0931-184X
- Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 0931-1793
- Journal of veterinary science 1229-845X
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases 0090-3558
- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 0947-5745
- Journal of Zoology 0952-8369
- Laboratory Animal Research 1738-6055
- Laboratory Animals 0023-6772
- Medical and Veterinary Entomology 0269-283X
- The Merck veterinary manual 0076-6542
- Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 0030-2465
- Online planning journal 1471-3128
- Pesquisa veterinária brasileira 0100-736X
- Poultry Science 0032-5791
- Preventive veterinary medicine 0167-5877
- Proceedings, ... annual meeting of the United States Animal Health Association 0082-8750
- Productions animales 0990-0632
- Research in Veterinary Science 0034-5288
- Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 1516-3598
- Revista de salud animal 0253-570X
- Revue de médecine vétérinaire 0035-1555
- Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 0036-7281
- Schweizerische Ärztezeitung 0036-7486
- Society and Animals 1063-1119
- Tropical Animal Health and Production 0049-4747
- Türk veterinerlik ve hayvancılık dergisi 1300-0128
- Türk zooloji dergisi 1300-0179
- Veterinaria 0301-5092
- Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 1467-2987
- The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 0749-0739
- The Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice 0195-5616
- Veterinary parasitology 0304-4017
- The Veterinary quarterly 0165-2176
- Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 1058-8183
- Veterinary Surgery 0161-3499