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UWI Thesis Guide: at-a-glance for the Faculty of Medical Sciences (UWISTA): PREFACE


This research guide is a "quick sheet" derived from the larger UWI Thesis Guide document.

It is for the use of librarians involved in the proof-reading/editing of medical theses and research projects and for Faculty of Medical Sciences candidates preparing same. There is however, inclusion of Vancouver style formatting advice since there is no singular authority source that guides document management for academic publication. 


It must be noted that at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style) is used by 1.the School of Nursing  2. the Department of Psychiatry 3. masters of Public Health students only (unless otherwise instructed by the supervisor) and candidates using the style manual are advised to consult the APA Style Manual for general document management, but noting that the specific requirements stated in the UWI Thesis Guide take precedence over parallel items contained in the guide.