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UWIScholar: How to Submit Content to UWIScholar

This guide is an introduction to UWIScholar and outlines how to access and utilize the online platform.

How to Submit Content to UWIScholar - STEP 1

You can add content to UWIScholar by following these two steps:

STEP 1:  Log into your UWIScholar Account

To access your UWIScholar account click the LOGIN tab on the site homepage

  • When prompted to Sign In, enter the UWI email address associated with your UWIScholar  account and your password. If you do not know your password, click on Forget your password? You will be taken to a page that will allow you to reset your password.
  • Once you have logged in to your account, you will have access to the site management tools which will allow you to upload content and build your Researcher Profile in the Scholar Module


Input Guidelines for Contributors - Part 1

Information required for all the areas of interest on the navigation pane are described in detail below:

  • Bio Information. The biodata of the researcher is entered in this area. Enter the researcher’s name (e.g.  John Allen Davis), contact information, personal website, current position, faculty/department/campus affiliation and brief biography. For persons who joined UWI before 2018, UWIScholar was pre-populated with bio data from PeopleSoft & Banner systems. The information is periodically reviewed and edited as needed. Drop down menus are available to select data for the following fields: Prefix, Campus, Department, Faculty and Employment Status. To edit content in this field, click on the EDIT button, add and save content.
  • Research Interests. In this area, add broad subject or topics of research interests. For example, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Engineering. Separate entries by pressing the ENTER Tab. Enter the information in title case.
  • Research Activity. In this form, researchers may enter their scholarly works/publications. This area can accommodate information about research publications in different formats (books, journal articles, theses, codes, datasets, photographs, paintings, movie clips etc.) for published and unpublished works. If it is feasible, add a URL to the full-text version of the work. To determine if the full-text version of the publication is allowed under the publisher's copyright policies, search the SHERPA/RoMEO database on publishers' policies on copyright and self-archiving, the SHERPA/RoMEO database is available here:



Input Guidelines for Contributors - Part 3

  • Memberships. In this area add listing of memberships in professional organisations/associations. For example, The Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (HRMATT), 1997-2017. Also, add the URL link to the organization.
  • Courses Lectured. In this form, enter data on current and past courses taught. Include course codes, description of course and keywords if this information is available. For example: LAW 1230 – Legal Methods, Research and Writing.
  • Grants and Funding. In this area, enter information about research grants, scholarships and other funding received as well as the funding organisation. Also, add descriptive information about the monetary allocation received for projects and collaboration with other UWI Researchers.

How to Submit Content to UWIScholar - STEP 2

Contributor’s Guide -  Guide to Building your Scholar Profile

Consider your Curriculum Vitae (CV) as the primary source document to obtain information to populate fields when building a profile. Additional content can be sourced from secondary resources such as The UWI website, the Faculty/Department website, UWISpace, ResearchGate, LinkedIn and Google Scholar.

To begin the process of adding data to create a Scholar Profile follow these steps:

  • From the UWIScholar homepage: click on MY PROFILE (found on the main menu at the top of the page). This is the Scholar Profile page where you enter data on Bio Information, Research Interests, Research Activities, Public Service, Consultancies, Education and Training, Awards, Memberships, Supervision, Courses Lectured, Grants and Funding, In the News, Social Media, Identity, and Other Activities.
  • To enter information into the Scholar Profile template for a specific area of interest:
    • highlight the area on interest (for example Research Activities) on the left navigation pane
    • on the screen which appears select [CLICK HERE]
    • the online submission form (template) for the area selected appears on the next screen. Add metadata to complete the form.
    • To edit content for existing data, click on the data or EDIT tab and edit as required.

Input Guidelines for Contributors - Part 2

Tips for entering data in the Research Activity area:

  • Search for full-text articles on the following platforms:  The UWI’s website, faculty/department website, ResearchGate, Google Scholar. Pay particular attention to the copyright and archiving policies of the publisher when sharing information. Batch import citations using Bibtex format (see separate documentation on this procedure).
  • Public Service. Add description of public service (provision of services for civic and other organisations, voluntary work) in this area. For example: Treasurer, Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago (APETT) – (2018- Present).
  • ConsultanciesEnter descriptive information on consultancies in this field. It is important to add the names of other UWI collaborators engaged in the same consultancy. In this area information on research projects (output, affiliation, funding/grants, agreements, status reports, datasets, research assistants) can also be added.
  • Education and TrainingAdd information on education and professional training. For example, Bachelor/Masters/Ph.D programmes as well as certificates and diplomas obtained. Include programme title, institution, year started/ended and other descriptive/notable information such as awards/distinctions received. For example: Ph.D Computer Science, Boston University, Boston, United States of America (1995-1999).
  • AwardsAdd information on the title of the awards received (public awards, academic scholarships and other notable achievements) and the date (s) received. For example: Fulbright IIE Foreign Student Programme, 2007.

Input Guidelines for Contributors - Part 4

  • In The News. In this form, add information on the Researcher as highlighted in local, regional and international media (print and online). . Include the URL to full-text of article if this is available.
  • Social Media. Use the drop down menu to add links to the Researcher's active social media accounts. This includes popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube, Instagram, Snapchat, Flickr. Add information on other academic platforms (ResearchGate,, Google Scholar) using the OTHER option. Add URL to all the platforms identified.