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Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)® @ Mona: Rules and Judging Criteria

In The UWI Mona Campus Edition, the competition rules will be followed as stipulated by rules and criteria set by the University of Queensland, as of February 2020.


Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified.

A single PowerPoint slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any description, the slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration).

No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and Video files) are permitted.

No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.

Presentations are to be spoken word ( e.g. no poems, raps or songs).

Presentations are to commence from the stage. 

Presentations are considered to have commence when a presenter starts their presentation through movement or speech. 

The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.

1) Comprehension & Content

  • Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background and significance to the research question being addressed while explaining terminology and avoiding jargon?
  • Did the presentation clearly describe the impact and/or results of the research, including conclusions and outcomes?
  • Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence?
  • Was the thesis topic, research significance, results/impact and outcomes communicated in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience?
  • Did the presenter spend adequate time on each element of their presentation - or did they elaborate for too long on one aspect or was the presentation rushed?

2) Engagement

  • Did the oration make the audience want to know more?
  • Was the presenter careful not to trivialize or generalize their research?
  • Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their research?
  • Did the presenter capture and maintain their audience's attention?
  • Did the speaker have sufficient stage presence, eye contact and vocal range; maintain a steady pace, and have a confident stance?
  • Did the PowerPoint slide enhance the presentation - was it clear, legible, and concise?

The adjudicating will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2021 and led by a panel of judges comprised of scholars and leaders from The UWI Mona Campus Community (faculty members, and staff from CETL, Graduate Studies and Research and the Mona Library).

The Following Prizes have yet to be confirmed: 

  1. Winner:                                              $100,000.00 (Research Grant)
  2. Runner-up:                                         $50,000.00 (Research Grant)
  3. People's Choice Prize:                       $10,000.00 (Grant Award) 
  4. Special Award/s:                                $5,000.00 - 10,000.00 (Gift Vouchers) 

In addition, all participants students will receive:

  • Certificate of participation.  

People's Choice:

An important aspect of the competition is the People's Choice prize. Following all presentation, the audience (who will be in virtual spaces) will be asked to vote on who gave the most convincing 3MT presentation. The audience will be reminded of the entries via PowerPoint Using an online voting medium, audience will select the number which corresponds to their favorite presenter. Any participant, including the winner or runner-up in the competition can receive the People's Choice award.

Additional 3MT® Information

Presentation Examples and Resources 

For further information or questions about the 3MT® competition, you may contact 

Pauline Nicholas -                                  

Dr. Alicia Palmer -

You may also send an email to -

Become a 3MT® Contestant

Help and information

  • Ask a Librarian
  • Email:      
  • Main Library:                      (876)-935-8296
  • Mobile/WhatsApp:              (876)-564-0344

Key Dates For The 2023 Three Minute Thesis Competition

The dates below are for the UWI Mona Campus Participants. Please check your respective campuses for the most current dates. The UWI Finals will be the same date for all campuses.

Dates are as follows:

Activity Dates
Information Session February 23, 2023   at   11a.m.
Call for Submission of Entries February 23, 2023   
Information Session for Judges March 1, 2023   at 2 p.m.
Final date for Submission of Entries April 12, 2023      
Campus Finals May  27. 2023         at 2pm  (Face to Face)
UWI Finals  June 27, 2023          at 1pm (via Zoom)