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Eric Williams Memorial Collection: Outreach

The Point Fortin West Secondary school chose five important persons who contributed to the development of Trinidad and Tobago to represent  Houses in their school. One of the Houses is named after Dr Eric Williams and each year the school selects one day to recognise him as part of their House Week.

In 2018, the Eric Williams House Leader, Mrs Maureen Khan, invited the head of West Indiana & Special Collections, Dr Glenroy Taitt, and his team, to do a presentation and mount an exhibition about Dr Williams at the "Day of Celebrating the Life of Dr Eric Williams" during the school's assembly.  Mrs Erica Williams Connell donated 11 books written by her father, Dr Eric Williams, posters, brochures and bookmarks to the school.

Mrs Maureen Khan (second from left) and students of the Eric Williams House. The boy on the extreme left acted as Dr. Williams in the school play.

Students viewing the Exhibit

Dr. Glenroy Taitt presenting to the students

The House colour for Dr. Eric Williams is blue.

Students viewing a documentary video about Dr. Williams

Students and teachers viewing the Exhibit