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Dentistry A-Z: Faculty-Selected Authority Journals for Publication (UWISTA): G - H


General Dentistry

Publisher: Chicago, Academy of General Dentistry


ISSN: 0363-6771 (Print)

Impact Factor: Title not currently listed in Journal Citation Reports

Frequency: Bimonthly

NLM Title Abbreviation: Gen Dent

Current Indexing Status: Currently indexed for MEDLINE



Publisher: 2004- : Oxford, England : Blackwell Pub.

ISSN: 0734-0664 (Print) \ 1741-2358 (Electronic)

Impact Factor: 1.339 (Journal Citation Reports 2019)

Frequency: Two no. a year

NLM Title AbbreviationGerodontology

Current Indexing Status: Currently indexed for MEDLINE


Head & Face Medicine

Publisher: [London] : BioMed Central, [2005]-

ISSN: 1746-160X (Electronic)

Impact Factor: 1.882 (Journal Citation Reports 2019)

Frequency: n/a

NLM Title Abbreviation: Head Face Med

Current Indexing Status: Currently indexed for MEDLINE