A |
Abbreviations |
- Use standard abbreviations
- Avoid using abbreviations in the title of the work and the abstract
- The full terminology for an abbreviation must precede its first use with the abbreviation noted immediately in brackets unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
Abstracts |
- Avoid using abstracts as references. References to papers not yet published should be written as “in press” or “forthcoming’ and permission should be gained from the author before citing
- Verify that the article has been accepted for publication.
Authors |
- 6+ authors: List the first six authors appearing in the citation. If there are more than six than the sixth name is followed by “et al”
- Authors and acronyms: Do not use the acronym as author, rather, spell it out e.g. World Health Organization not WHO
- Corporate authors: The names of Corporate author(s) are not reversed: e.g. Ministry of Health
- Multiple authors: multiple authors are separated by a coma: e.g. Doe JC, Deer RK, Badger PM, Neal V
- Multiple works by same author: each individual work by the same author, even if it is published in the same year, has its own reference number
- Personal authors: personal author(s) names are reversed, with surnames first, followed by the initials of the first name and middle name, with no punctuation: e.g. John Craig Doe would appear as Doe JC. Brent McBean would appear as McBean B.
B |
Brackets |
- Use square brackets for in-text citations [ ]
C |
Citation numbers |
- Citation numbers should be inserted to the left or inside of colons and semi-colons
- Citation numbers are generally placed outside or after full stops and commas.
D |
DOIs |
- The digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique resource identifier and should be provided in the reference where it is available
- It is acceptable to present both the URL and DOI for an article.
E |
Edition |
- Abbreviate to “ed.” for all editions other than the first edition.
F |
Footnotes |
- The Vancouver style does not accommodate footnotes.
I |
Illustrations |
- Give each illustration a title
- Number each illustration in consecutive order
- Acknowledge the source in the reference list
- The legend should be labelled with numbers corresponding to the illustration (as necessary)
- Ensure that each illustration is cited in the text.
In-text citations |
- Citation numbers: citation number(s) appear/s inline with the text. Identify citations within the text of the paper with a number in parentheses: e.g. James [5] stated that …
- The original number assigned to the reference is reused every time the reference is cited.
- Citation numbers and punctuation [I]: place outside or after full stops and commas e.g. ... as evidenced from a recent Australian study. [1]
- Citation numbers and punctuation [II]: inserted to the left or inside of colons and semi-colons
- More than one in-text citation: When multiple references are cited together, a hyphen is used to indicate a series of inclusive numbers and a comma is used to indicate a series of non-inclusive numbers. No spaces between commas or dashes e.g. Five studies [3-6, 8] indicate… Multiple studies [4,6,8,12] state…
Italics |
- Use only for scientific terminology
M |
Measurement |
- Length, height, weight and volume should be reported in metric units unless otherwise advised by the supervisor
- Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius
- Blood pressure is measured in mm of mercury
- State all haematological and biochemistry measurements in SI Units.
P |
Place of publication |
- If more than one publishers are listed, cite the city that is printed first
- If the city is not well known, add a comma, one space and the state or the county. For unfamiliar places in the USA, add the two-letter state code e,g. Homewood, IL.
Punctuation |
- Very important. Apply punctuation consistently to the whole document and reference list and follow the recommended guides.
R |
Reference list |
- Arrangement: the reference list is numbered consecutively and appears in the order they are first mentioned
- Content: contains only the sources cited in the body of the work..
S |
Superscript |
- Superscripts are not used in the Vancouver style
Symbols |
- Use standard symbols
- Avoid using symbols in the title of the work and the abstract.
T |
Tables |
- Give each table a title
- Number each table in consecutive order
- Place any explanatory details in a note at the bottom of the table
- Ensure that each table is cited in the text.