Preventing Plagiarism by Laura Hennessey DeSenaCall Number: PN167.D47 2007
ISBN: 9780814145937
Publication Date: 2007-01-30
For many teachers, identifying and combating plagiarism in students' writing has become a frustrating and time-consuming process. In this practical guide, Laura Hennessey DeSena seeks to help alleviate some of this frustration by offering teachers effective strategies for heading off plagiarism at its sources. DeSena argues for creating assignments that emphasize students' original thinking through freewriting and the use of primary sources. In doing so, we can help build their confidence and critical thinking skills so that they are less likely to rely on online paper mills or copy and paste from other sources. In this book, you'll discover how to generate research topics across the content areas; identify electronic and print-based plagiarism in student papers; design a three-part research paper assignment that emphasizes the subjective eye/I in the research process; provide models of literary criticism that demonstrate how professionals use solid research and organization to support their arguments; and avoid plagiarism in a multicultural context, including strategies for working with second language students who may have been taught different approaches to composition and research writing.