This archive was established by the UWI Libraries to support the dissemination of knowledge by providing open access to the digitally preserved intellectual output of the University. Here we aim to collect together in one place the research and scholarship of members of the UWI community. UWISpace provides a platform for the collection, organisation, access and preservation of scholarly information in digital formats...(more on the institutional repository)
Departments and individuals wishing to deposit their research material in the UWISpace archive can email the administrators, or phone (868) 662 2002, Exts. 84243, 82241, 82215 at The Alma Jordan Library, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.
All items in the UWISpace repository are protected by original copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
Here is a sampling of some of the collections available in the UWISpace Institutional Repository...